Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Brain Gremlins Be Damned

Anxiety, especially social anxiety, is a bitch. I had an "omgimfatandslowandterrible" moment in class tonight. Just a moment.

I kept going though, which is the important part. In fact, that's fucking HUGE.  Yet, I cried the whole ride home, and while I was cleaning up. Why?? Brain Gremlins. Logically, I know I did good. Illogically, I keep repeating that falter in my head. That snowballs into a repeat of EVERY fuck up (Or perceived fuck up) that I've had this week, this month, etc.

Motherfucking Brain Gremlins.

I hate them.  So much. Can't let them win though, so here I am giving them the finger!!
Yep. I just metaphorically flipped off my own brain. Just roll with it.

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