Monday, December 11, 2017

Snow Craziness, Anxiety, and Nature's Finest

We just recently had a shit ton of snow. Well, a shit ton for Georgia.  About twelve inches worth - which was enough to jack up everything, cause power to be lost, etc.  Being stuck in the house with people (family or no) was lots of fun for my anxiety!  No, really.  We survived though - lots of sleep, lots of blankets, and waiting not so patiently for the power to come back on.

My aunt recently suggested that I try CBD oil for my anxiety/insomnia issues.  She has used it since she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her husband uses it for his insomnia.  It's not something I had considered before - not for any specific reason, I just hadn't thought about it.  I mean, I smoked A LOT of pot when I was younger. A lot. I guess I just didn't pay attention to anything having to do with cannabis that wasn't getting me high. Go figure.

I was also pretty chill when I smoked.  Hrm....  Kidding!  I'd just sleep non-stop.  Depression helps me with that as it is (although never at night, when I need it - stupid brain).  Anywho - so because I had little to no knowledge about CBD oil and how it could possibly help me, I did what I do.  I asked questions.  I pestered people I knew.  I researched.  I read ALL the things. Found medical studies that were published.  Then I asked more questions.  *shrug*  From everything I'm reading it could be pretty helpful.  It would be really nice to not have to pay a pharmacy an exorbitant amount of money every month just to keep my brain under control.  There are ten thousand companies, and brands out there.  Some are stupidly expensive - some are ridiculously cheap.  It's like anything else I suppose.

I went ahead and ordered a tincture, along with some free gelcaps to try - from the company my aunt uses.  Nothing elaborate.  Now - I just wait for it to get here.  I'm kinda excited!  *fingers crossed*  I might be able to go out and DO things - or not be on the verge of a panic attack while at class - or go to sleep at a normal hour and sleep the whole night all the way through!!

It's a Christmas miracle!!  ;)


  1. Aunt W here, I have been trying to get that info from her, can you send it to me?
