Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Serial Killers, House of Potentially 1000 Corpses - basically - tl;dr

I really should just post these things when they occur in my head.  Trying to back track because there was something awesome in the grey matter at one point is.... really fucking difficult.

First - I had been reading about this serial killer couple that I had never heard of before - Rose and Fred West, in the U.K.  I randomly read an article about a mini-drone being spotted outside a maximum security prison in the U.K.  They mentioned that the "infamous" Rose West was housed there.

Wait.  What?  Infamous?  I thought I had my serial killer info on point!  Nay nay, I did not.  Needless to say, I got sucked in.  All the news articles, bought a book, crazy research ensued.  Well.  Short version - those folks were fucked up.  Bad.  Like - worse than the story of Trudy Chase (not a serial killer, but still ab psych which is the interesting part to me).  Anyway - a lot of people think it's strange that I devour these types of things.  It's not like I get some sick joy out of it - but I think it's important to remember.  We have a tendency to be outraged, and sickened while the investigation and trial are happening in a situation like that - then as soon as that's over, we forget.  Forget the victims, family members, all the other people that were affected even peripherally by the acts that were perpetrated.

By "we" I mean the general public.  The people who worked those things, the cops, social workers, etc, they remember.  But we forget them too.  I mean - come on, isn't that just a little fucked up?  Revel in the gore - but move on when the spotlight dims.

Any who... what else... what else.

Oh yes. Domesticity.  My house is a goddamned madhouse right now.  I have lived at the parents house for the past several years to help take care of Mom.  I'm not in a position to move out yet - sadly.  One sister and my nephew moved in.  Love them.  I do.  Still not good at people-ing.  It doesn't matter if we're related.  Thankfully, she's kinda the same way so we can ignore each other pretty well. Another sister is staying with us for a few weeks.  So lets break this down...

- Three bedroom two bath house
- 4 adults.
- 1 baby
- 5 dogs
- 1 cat

One bedroom for the pops.  One bedroom for me.  One bedroom for sister and nephew.  One sister on couch.  Dogs all over.  Cat wherever cat wants to go.  You know what this is for me?  HELL.  Seriously, my family knows that I love them, but this is my own personal hell.  (Sisters who might read this - don't get pissed, you know you feel the SAME damn way).

So - when one of my best friends contacted me and was like, "Hey, totally last minute but can you house sit?"  I was ALL over that.  Another sister (yeah, I have lots) thought it was hilarious that I was house sitting at my old house (I was said friends roommate for years).  So here I am - with THREE days of NO HUMANS.  Me.  Two cats.  My PS4.  Fallout 4.  Frozen pizza.  Root beer.  I even bailed on class that Thursday.  Ate all their waffles.  BLISS.  Beautiful amazing people-less bliss.

Oh, and fuck you pizza and root beer.  They are not your friends when you hit over 35 - just FYI.

It's Tuesday.  Class was tonight. It kicked my ass.  There were videos taken.  Yes, I will post the humiliation.  After Thursday.  If I'm alive.  I cannot brain any more tonight.

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