Monday, August 28, 2017

Tilt the scales and call it a win

Positive things:

Played lots of Skyrim this weekend.  Yeah, that's positive.  Finally started a Kahjiit character, I've always wanted a tail - 🤓

Watched my nephew. (Cutest nephew ever)

It's only in the 70's outside today (Mother nature, you fickle bitch you)

I have the most awesome dog and cat in the world (They are definitely better than yours, so shut it)

I have awesome people

I have an excellent Person.

I have an amazing BFF.

I have THE BEST teammates at class. (Teammates... seems off, but whatevs, I needed a word for everyone) 

I have some excellent family.

Negative things:


I want to sleep for forty five days.

I also want to eat an entire strawberry funfetti cake - while sleeping for 45 days.

I am being super sensitive about stupid shit.

Progress.  Positive is longer than negative.  

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