Thursday, January 11, 2018

Effing Progress!

Alrighty! Today is day four of the fitness challenge.  I am super sore, and really tired.  I'm also really proud of myself. I have done each challenge - albeit with lower reps, or some modifications.  For those of you who give a shit, I'll copy the workouts of the day we've done so far.

Oh loyal readers, the things that I have learned.

               Yeah, I just said that.  Loyal. Readers.  Sounds fancy, doesn't it?? *sniffs* Please pass the Grey Poupon.

I expected to be sore, and frankly - slightly miserable.  I didn't expect the rest.  I posted briefly on social media about the emotional bull shit.  First.  What the fuck is wrong with people?  Why doesn't anyone mention that these things can happen??  I literally was convinced that I was losing my effing mind after ugly crying on the phone to my sister.  A little research later, and I discover that if you are overweight (not knocking myself, calm your tit - it's just facts), or just flat out of shape, and you suddenly start doing super intense exercises, then your brain gets a *massive* jolt from various endorphins and hormones.  This in turn will fuck you up (or at least me).  (It's all very science-y, yeah?)

I thought I was broken.  Turns out - I'm not broken!  Yippity goddamned skippity!

I am also breaking out like a teenage boy.  It's disgusting.  I sweat like a man, so I'm basically having to shower twice a day.  I'm not crying like a pregnant woman anymore - I'm just cranky today.  Not even a bad cranky.  Just.. snarky and salty.  Don't ask me to do complicated math though.  Wait.  I don't do that shit anyway. 

All complaining aside (and yes, I'm gonna complain - it is my prerogative)... It's actually going well.  Despite the soreness, the epic level tiredness, the zits, the crying jags, etc - it's good.  Don't ask me to say that out loud, I don't think I can make it happen.  I go really slow, and stop a lot to breathe - but I'm doing it.  I've discovered that I can do just about anything in increments of five.  I make hash marks on my paper with the WOD on it (workout of the day).  If I need to do 50 push ups?  I do ten sets of five.  It works.  For days 3 and 4 I did or am doing half reps.  For the first two days I did a little more than quarter reps.  15 in place of 50, etc.  Maybe by the end of this thing I'll be able to do full reps!

WOD 4: Thurs 11th

20 Hip Mobility

150 Lunges (150 in total using either leg)

50 Sphinx Push-Ups

100 Lunges (100 in total using either leg)

50 Sphinx Push-Ups

50 Lunges (50 in total using either leg)

50 Sphinx Push-Ups

25 Lunges (25 in total using either leg)

50 Sphinx Push-Ups

20 Hip Mobility

WOD 3: Weds 10th

20 Hip Mobility

30 Burpees

60 Squat Kicks (Front Kicks – 30 per leg)

50 Frog Jumps

30 Sit Throughs (15 on each side)

50 Press Ups

30 Sit Throughs (15 on each side)

50 Frog Jumps

60 Squat Kicks (Front Kicks – 30 per leg)

30 Burpees

20 Hip Mobility

WOD 2: Tues 9th

20 Hip Mobility

100 Roundhouse Kicks (right leg 100, left leg 100)

30 Sit-Ups 1-2

75 Roundhouse Kicks (right leg 75, left leg 75)

30 Sit-Ups 1-2

50 Hammerfist Press Ups

30 Sit-Ups 1-2

50 Roundhouse Kicks (left leg 50, right leg 50)

30 Sit-Ups 1-2

25 Roundhouse Kicks (left leg 25, right leg 25)

20 Hip Mobility

WOD 1: Mon 8th

20 Hip Mobility

50 Press Ups

50 Mountain Climbs (2 counts as one)

50 V Crunches

50 Squat Kicks

50 Eight Count Bodybuilder

50 Squat Kicks

50 V Crunches

50 Mountain Climbs (2 counts as one)

50 Press Ups

20 Hip Mobility

Monday, January 8, 2018

Beating Hot Metal & Making Combat Fitness work FOR me

*\o/*  We made it through the New Year!!

I did the blacksmithing thing - and IT WAS AWESOME!  The gentleman who was kind enough to let me intrude in his workshop shared a lot of information with me.  He and his wife were amazing.  Seriously.  Now, I get to smack around hot metal at a friends house a little closer to home.  It's odd, I figured I would like it... but not this much.  It's a weird feeling.  When you're hammering metal that is glowing orange, and you can *feel* it spreading out underneath your hammer.  So. Freaking. Cool.  There's a notch in the learn all the things resolution - which is awesome.  Begin as you mean to continue, or as you mean to end.

In class there's this crazy 21 Day Combat Fitness Challenge that a bunch of the schools are doing.  Not gonna lie, when I first looked at it all I could think was, "I can't do it."  Then I realized that attitude pretty well sucked ass.  So I canned it.  I harassed a friend, and got some extra moral support and someone to feel my pain with me.  Decided I was IN!

Then I saw the first WOD (workout of the day) and I cried a little bit.  Before you get all judgy, or whatever - stuff it and keep reading.  Sheesh.  

There are unfortunately things that I cannot do.  Not because I lack the will - but because my body cannot handle it yet.  YET.  I'm a chubby girl.  It's slow going.  It took me a little while today to get to the "yet" part.  I saw the post where they were like, "do half reps if you don't work out every day" and wanted to gag a little.  Half reps is still 25 reps for each exercise.  Let me show you it:

WOD 1: Mon 8th
20 Hip Mobility
50 Press Ups
50 Mountain Climbs (2 counts as one)
50 V Crunches
50 Squat Kicks
50 Eight Count Bodybuilder
50 Squat Kicks
50 V Crunches
50 Mountain Climbs (2 counts as one)
50 Press Ups
20 Hip Mobility

Hip mobility is no problem - I actually enjoy that one.  My whole body feels good after those.  I could probably do 25 of those other exercises if there were only 4 or 5 of them instead of 9.  I took my insecure self directly to my Instructor (thank allll the gods that she's patient) and spilled.  I told her I was worried about starting and not being able to finish - and then knocking my stupid brain back into "I can't" mode.  I was like.. what if I do quarter reps instead of half, and then hopefully move it up a notch in two weeks?  She thought that was a good plan, and I instantly felt better.  

Then I did the math, and it was some stupid number like 12.5.  O.o  Whut?  No.  So I settled on 15.   I'll modify the push ups, and do them on my knees.  I think the others I can do without mods - I'll just be slow.  And you know what?  That's OK.  Because I am going to do this.  I'm going to do this every day. Though the workouts will be different every day.  When I get home, by 6:30, I will have started.  Hope I don't die.  Fingers crossed or something lol

And then??  I'm hopefully going to go beat on some more hot metal.  And feel like a badass.  Because I can.